What is intuitive design (ID)?

In broad terms an overall sense, intuitive design is the process of creating websites and applications that are simple to use. This is achieved through a process of user research that leads to the identification of users’ existing stereotypes and expectations. The designers must take these into account to create an interface that is compatible with the end users’ experience. This is achieved by creating the user’s path to follow.

To accomplish this, it is essential that the UI be organized in a manner that all tasks and information can be easily accessed without having to traverse a maze of menus. This is accomplished by putting elements on the screen that are logically related to one another, and by providing feedback while the user performs a task. This allows them to avoid mistakes and give users a better understanding of how the product functions.

User experience (UX), therefore, is vital to a smooth design. Customers will leave the product if it does not match their imagined user interface. This can create a negative impression about your brand.

You can increase the usability of your product by conducting user qdecoder.org research and in-app surveys. This will allow you to collect both quantitative and qualitative information that will allow you to make your app more intuitive and user-friendly. In the end, this leads to greater customer satisfaction as well as increased conversion rates.